Brandsociology in Theory and Practice

A change is emerging in classic economic brand management: Socio-economic explanatory approaches are increasingly being integrated into the canon of business management knowledge, thus filling gaps that cannot be analysed in depth with an exclusively economic perspective. Sociology has dealt intensively with the "brand as an alliance system" for four decades and provided numerous insights.

Brandsociology provides the knowledge to manage brands systematically and effectively. It understands brands as social alliance systems and reveals the social dynamics that strengthen - or weaken - the power of relationships and attraction. In doing so, it refers to the thoughts and work of one of the formative co-founders of German sociology: Ferdinand Tönnies (1855-1936).

The reference is clearly formulated early on:

"The product brand can now be thought of as a [...] social entity. Nestlé, Mercedes and Lufthansa form such social roofs as brands, under which those who act there, i.e. those who buy and use such products, demand and expect certain things, a social roof, which forbids certain standards to the product and other, deviating characteristics. The brand appears here as a 'social will', because producer and user as empirical persons enter into a complicated, thoroughly unphysical relationship ." 

(Alexander Deichsel: Von Tönnies her gedacht, 1987, p. 177)

A brief research paper about the idea of Brandsociology

Brief History of Brandsociology


Alexander Deichsel, founder of Brandsociology, becomes professor at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Hamburg.

Alexander Deichsel


Deichsel lectures for the first time on the subject of brands as an economic sociological task at the Sociologists' Day in Zurich. Also in 1984, the renowned advertising expert Dr. Klaus Brandmeyer becomes a lecturer at the Institute of Sociology in Hamburg. 

His brand knowledge is strongly influenced by the founder of brand technology, Hans Domizlaff (1892-1971) and his major work "Die Gewinnung des öffentlichen Vertrauens. Ein Lehrbuch der Markentechnik". 


The 1990s are marked by a comprehensive examination of the brand. Lectures, publications and debates by Alexander Deichsel dealt with the phenomenon of the brand. Deichsel's student Dr. Thomas Otte devotes himself to the principles of brand-evolutionary self-similarity and makes them manageable for brand management.


In 1992, Thomas Otte obtained his doctorate under Alexander Deichsel with a thesis entitled "Die Bewegungsgesetze der Produktmarke“ („The dynamics of product-brands“)  (published in 1993 under the title "Marke als System" at the Hans Domizlaff-Arbeitsstelle at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Hamburg) and analysed similarities between natural and market processes. The concept of "self-similarity" becomes part of Brandsociological theory.


In 1994, the "Institut für Markentechnik" is founded in Geneva by manager Manfred Schmidt. Shortly afterwards, Alexander Deichsel and Klaus Brandmeyer become members of the board of directors. It is the first private consulting institute in Europe to deal exclusively with brand management on a scientific basis. 

The university findings are translated into daily business practice and further developed at the "Institut für Markentechnik". The "Genetic Code of the Brand" is created as a management and brand positioning system - for the first time the brand is understood and managed as a design system. Numerous students are trained here as brand technicians and brandsociologists and learn the principles of operative brand management in brand projects of global and national brands, primarily in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, in cooperation with Deichsel, Brandmeyer and Schmidt.

Institut für Markentechnik


From 1995 to 2012, the "Jahrbuch Markentechnik"  ("Yearbook of Brand Technique") is published every two years, in which experts from practice and science explore the topic of brands as a long-term oriented value creation system from different perspectives and the respective current state of brand research is presented. A total of eight volumes will be published by 2012. In 1997, the "Internationale Markentechnikum" is held for the first time in Geneva with 200 guests; overall, it becomes the tone-setting series of events in the field of operative brand management until 2011.  

Internationales Markentechnikum


In this year, Timm Homann, a long-standing student of Deichsel and doctoral candidate, writes the book "Die Marke als Instanz der strategischen Unternehmensführung" (The Brand as an Instance of Strategic Corporate Management), which continues to substantiate the importance and conceptual approach of brandsociology in the corporate world today. Homann teaches as Professor of Strategic Management at the School of International Business at Bremen University of Applied Sciences.


In the 2000s, former students and graduates of the Institut for Brand Technique founded their own consulting companies and continued the brandsociological research and practical application as scientists and consultants, e.g. Brandmeyer Markenberatung in Hamburg in 2003. The consultancy makes a name for itself, among other things, by carrying out numerous successful projects in the DACH region in the field of city and regional brand management. 

Students Brand Techique


In 2003, Brandmeyer founded the Brandmeyer-Markenberatung together with his former students Peter Pirck and Andreas Pogoda. Today, the consultancy is an authority in the field of empirical brand management. In addition to the development of strong brands, the company has built up a national and international reputation, particularly in the field of city brand management.

Students Brand Techique


Deichsel publishes the fundamental work "Marken­soziologie". This book summarises for the first time the findings and the scientific foundation of the young discipline. In total, Alexander Deichsel publishes more than 30 books and 300 articles on Brandsociology. 

Numerous master's and diploma theses are written. Timm Homann, Arnd Zschiesche and Oliver Errichiello do their doctorates with Deichsel on Brandsociological topics, thus consolidating the theoretical approach.


Deichsel becomes emeritus professor. Until 2018, however, he regularly continues the brand debate at the University of Hamburg, together with his students Arnd Zschiesche and Oliver Errichiello.

The Büro für Markenentwicklung is founded in Hamburg by Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche. Alexander Deichsel lets the young Brandsociologists take the lead and continues to provide strong support from the background as founder and scientific associate of Brandsociology at the Büro für Markenentwicklung to this day. The brand consultancy explicitly based on Brandsociological findings and exclusively applying the "Genetic Code of the Brand". By 2023, the Büro für Markenentwicklung advises more than 200 companies on brand issues. Lecture tours take the Brandsociologists to Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and China. 

Lucerne School of Business


Since 2012, Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche have been lecturers in brand management and Brandsociology at the Lucerne School of Business (HSLU Wirtschaft), where they have trained people with brand responsibility in Brandsociology management theory in more than 20 courses in the area of adult continuing education and supervised numerous master's theses that analyse brands on this scientific basis. 

Lucerne School of Business


In 2016, Marius Wernke meets Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello and Prof. Dr. Arnd Zschiesche as a student. What begins with a bachelor's thesis and then a sometimes heated exchange on the subject of branding leads to ongoing support as a strategic assistant in a variety of companies and projects. Since 2022, Marius Wernke has officially been a Brandsociologist at the Office for Brand Development in Hamburg, marking the beginning of a third generation of Brandsociologists. 

Lucerne School of Business


Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, together with Alexander Deichsel, completely revised his basic work, which had been sold out for years in its second edition. The book "Grundlagen der Markensoziologie. Die sozialen Prinzipien von Markenbildung und -führung in Theorie und Praxis". 

Further since 2017, the Privatissimés has been taking place every year, where a small circle of experts and friends of all around the world come together to exchange ideas about the topic of brands.

Lucerne School of Business


Oliver Errichiello is appointed the world's only honorary professor for Brandsociology and brand management at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences. 


2021 Arnd Zschiesche becomes Professor of Marketing at the West Coast University of Applied Sciences in Heide and Scientific Director of the regioMAR Institute based there to build a new generation of practically oriented brand managers. 

Lucerne School of Business


So far Erchiello and Zschiesche have published more than 20 specialist and non-fiction books with different brand sociological focuses in German and English. Further they have spoken worldwide in over 13 countries  to explain the phenomenon of brand and how to manage it in daily business.


Lucerne School of Business
